You can easily add your database to this list by sending an email to If your database is open source, we will ask to write a docker file in the aim to test your database (you can look scripts of other databases).
This benchmark uses Travis CI, Docker and GitHub. You can find here the list of test scripts for each database :
Virtuoso version stable/7
You can easily add your database to this list by sending an email to If your database is open source, we will ask to write a docker file in the aim to test your database (you can look scripts of other databases).
SPARQLScore is an attempt to evaluate the conformance of triplestores to the W3C standards. The results displayed here correspond to the tests published by the W3C. Two test suites were removed from the list, namely "SPARQL 1.1 Service Description" and "SPARQL 1.1 Protocol", because they had no test to run and would have been counted as missing points. We hope that this website will help triplestores better support current norms by trying to improve their score.
Here is our methodology: once in a while, we scan for newer versions of triplestores, install them, and run our test suite automatically using the Jenkins continuous integration tool, hosted at Inria. The results are stored in our internal triplestore, from which the data is pulled to be displayed on this website. The test tool has been built by Karima Rafes from Bordercloud. The tool will soon be published and any help developing it will be welcome. Should you find a problem in a test, feel free to report it to us and we will gladly investigate the problem. At the moment, supporting more triplestores will be made on a per-request basis.
In the months to come, we hope to be able to automate the process and add more triplestores. We are also willing to add user-submitted test cases to test specific ontologies and provide these users with results tailored to their needs.